Seeking to acquire and manage a single business in the UK
We are a team of entrepreneurs and operators on a mission to acquire and grow a leading British business and support the succession of a small business owner.
About us
Fairmile Partners is led by Edward Collas and is backed by a team of seasoned team of investors, operators and entrepreneurs.
We are seeking to acquire and manage a single business for the long term.
We offer a succession solution to business owners and flexibility in terms of their future role and deal terms.
Our goal is to bring new energy to an established business, whilst respecting the generations of hard work that have been invested. As entrepreneurs that understand the importance of family business heritage, we are committed to retaining brands and developing employees.
Our offering to business owners
We are backed by Family Offices, entrepreneurs and institutions.
We are seeking to acquire a company with up to £50m of revenue.
We bring management capabilities and can facilitate a full transition for an owner-operator.
We are flexible and can structure solutions suited to management teams.
We are seeking to acquire, operate and grow a single company.
Our background is in family businesses and we understand the importance of heritage.
What we look for
Software, IT Services and Tech-Enabled Services
Predictable revenue
Positive cashflow
Revenue between £5 and £50m
Why Us?
We are not Private Equity:
We do not require an owner to stay with the business
We are focused on growing a single business, not a portfolio
We seek to retain brands, staff and legacies over the long term